Forest Feud and Magical Mayhem

From Dargarth
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Dargarth's 3rd summer campout. Held at Tolt MacDonald Park, in Carnation WA, in the middle of September.

Two neighboring cities, the elves of Greywood, and the dwarves of Stoneharrow, accused each other of serious thefts. Heroes of the realm have come to the area to help arbitrate the dispute before it leads to war.

Major (npc) Players

Korin - heavily armored stoic dwarven warrior; representative of the city of Stoneharrow.
Alris - civilian elven scholar; representative of the city of Greywood.
Silassa - human indepedent. Discovered to be stealer of the relics. Believed to be a member of the "mafia," since she was discovered to be putting hits out on people, and threatened adventurers by implying "her people" will avenge her.

Burm - a quiet dude that stabbed people, far as anyone can tell. Employee of Silassa.

Mistlav - old elven nature wizard out in the forest. The city of Greywood is named after him.
Lerin - enemy of Mistlav; been banished to another dimension for many years (hundreds or thousands).


Adventurers girded themselves for combat and took turns entering the foreign dimension to confront Lerin. After many deaths, Drogo managed to defeat the mad wizard. However it is frankly unclear whether he was evil, or mad from centuries of imprisonment in a limbo link realm.

Mistlav thanked the adventurers, refusing or missing many of the inquiries the adventures put to him, and wandered back into the woods to commune with nature. Drogo put him down, perhaps because it was unclear which mage was truly the villian, if such a clear cut distinction can even be made.

Korin and Alris survived and recovered their relics, allowing them to return home and avoid the potential war.

Silassa was arrested and a tribunal decided to put her before the Emperor's mercy. However in the following weeks, before ship travel could be arranged, she died from a suicide pill that was smuggled into her.