Legion (Heritage)

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Chaos Star simplified.png
Nos operor quis nos volo
Country Data
Date 2 DY (March 11, 2012)
Symbol Demi Star Barby
Colors Vert, Or, & Sable
Capital Belegarth (hex 2407)
Alignment "Chaotic-Lawful Neutral"
Government Democratic Stratocracy
Racial Makeup Natives of Dargarth
OoC. = Kanon, Rasheab

"We are Legion."

We have cookies

The mascot of Legion.
Legion founding territory


Legion is a mercenary company, whose membership and warbands hail from the whole of Dargarth. As a "nation" Legion is a confederation of territories and peoples banded together to protect their peoples from the quickly expanding First Kingdom nations.

The original warbands hailed from the great desert. There they have historically been a semi-nomadic and warrior people, until the spread of the "civilized" nations and their borders began to encroach on the lands the people had always ranged. Finally the leaders of the tribes gathered and held council, and in the end decided to unite to protect their people and their way of life.

As a mercenary company, Legion maintains an impeccable service record when under contract. However when left to its own devices it can prove to be unpredictable, for it is subject to the whims and friendships (and grudges) of its warriors.


While many of the warriors of Legion spent a fair while traveling and working as hired swords amongst the various nations of Dargarth, the first report of Legion organized occurred early in 2 DY in the far north, where the people were sickened and dying to an unknown disease. Battle had broken out between the surviving villagers and an evil mage who they blamed for the plague. Though the wizard was aided by several nations (bought off with gold), amidst the chaos of melee Mowgli was able to strike a telling blow on the mage, earning him and Legion the Box of Enchanting. At the next gathering Legion unveiled their banner and made known their territorial claim upon the map of Dargarth.



  • Safeguard the lands of the great desert (for it is their ancestral homeland).
  • Protect the peoples residing within their territories.
  • Continue gaining in power, wealth, and prestige, in order to continue safeguarding the autonomy of their peoples.
  • Discover what cataclysm befell their friends to the south, Alliance.
  • mount an aid 'n' investigative mission to the peoples in the south.
  • :#47: reclaim the ancestral capital of Albion, at the behest of Baron Garath.
(See: Negotiations at Albion)


Belegarth - capital
Tower Black -
Castle Chumpenstein -
Goodlo Bar
Elkstone Keep
<this list is non-inclusive>


The Temperance (caravel): "All things in moderation, including moderation."
The Allegiance (caravel): the last holding of Alliance, named in honor of the friendship between the two nations.
Mallori (caravel)
Aggressive Diplomacy (caravel)
Overwhelming Bureaucracy (frigate)
Enthusiastic Stoicism(caravel)
Fairwinds (caravel): the ship attacked by Mardur at the Battle of the Sunset Isles. Knowing it could not be held, ownership was ceded to Erzoth in the hope it would protect the vessel from being sunk or captured by enemies.
<this list is non-inclusive>

See Also

~ Religion: Valhallan
~ Champions of the Dargarth Winter and Summer Games.

Real World History - "Team Belegarth"

Legion was founded as a country for Belegarth cross-gamers at Dargarth. The intent was to create a group for cross-gamers so they can easily participate when visiting. Since its creation it has become an excuse for the Washington Belegarth and Dagorhir groups to meet at a central location and fight those we don't otherwise normally see. "Legion" was chosen for as Belegrim we are many, and the Chaos Star as our symbol because what other design is used more throughout Belegarth and Dagorhir?

Legion is comprised mostly of Belegarth fighters, though it is by no means exclusive and counts members of Dagorhir, Amtgard, and Dargarth among its ranks. While a majority of Belegarth cross-gamers are Legion members, several are members of Mardur, and Endor was founded by the fighters of Talinor, the Kitsap County Belegarth/Dagorhir realm.

Out-of-Character Note

It is Legion policy to mount an attack on a country if they have failed to appear for three (3) or more months. The reason being is that after that point the nobles may declare a country disbanded. We don't want a country to go "defunct;" we wish to create a good reason for you to gather your forces and come out and visit. We would much rather have a fun and rowdy fight day with friends (or friendly rivals) than to see your country declared abandoned and wiped from the map.

P.S. Let's be frank: we're a bunch of nomadic desert viking/pirates.