Day of Two Sieges

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The day when two armies landed upon the shores of Langerhausen.

Part the First: Legion

Legion marched forth, accompanied by a diplomat and healer from the Order of the Abbot, to explore the mysterious realm of Langerhausen. They sought to ascertain whether the lands were still inhabited, and the knights still upholding their feudal obligations.

To such ends Legion landed an exploration party at the Langer mainland keep. The keep was found to be inhabited still, but communications broke down as adrenaline ran high, and a fierce fight ensued. The knights managed to narrowly hold their keep, despite failing to drive Legion from the field.

Part the Second: Attack Upon the Capital

During the same week, the Mercenaries of Bitter Peak landed forces outside of the capital of the Isles.

The ranger, Uulmshar, was searching to expand beyond the Bitter Isles. His spies reported that the Knights of Solaris (the nobles ruling the Isles of Langerhausen) were weak and given to bouts of hedonism and apathy, and did not return any diplomatic attempts.

Uulmshar gladly lead the rally to gather their men for war. Yet, when they arrived on-shore, they witnessed a force many times larger than theirs, as the nations of Dargarth rallied to the defense of the Langerhausen capital. In all, the Explorers, the Order of the Abbot, Mardur, and Alliance took the field in the defense of Langer, in addition to their own home grown recruits.1

Despite these setbacks, Lucien and his council had made a glorious battle plan, that appeared perfect against even far superior numbers; it was bound to bring victory to them.

As soon as the battle began, there arose a cry of "Knights of Solaris," but not from where was expected. The forces under Uulmshar's command were slaughtered from within while Alliance advanced on their front, as many of their men turned upon their fellows.

Following the battle, supposedly an investigation of the treachery led back to an assassination attempt upon Lucien, started by the Bitter Peak council, who were embittered at his quick rise to power. They were promptly dealt with, and replaced, by Lucien's generals.2

1However, Alliance did so more literally, as they deployed on the field with the gate locked behind them!
2However, some still believe the leaders of Langer had something to do with the treachery.


This was an 80+ plus battle day, as Alliance Company (Amtgard) and the Isles of Langer (the Knights of Solaris), both cross-gaming groups, took the field, with the KoS calling in many allies from Northwest LARPs.
Additionally Bitter Peak fielded Games of Adventure in support (though they subsequently turned on them). This was also the second event for Legion as a unified country, and consequently fielded more fighters than they did as unaligned mercenaries.