
From Dargarth
Revision as of 03:31, 4 December 2012 by Rasheab (talk | contribs)
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One of the two "parent" groups that Dargarth inherited many of its initial ruleset from. Specifically Belegarth forms the basis for the majority of Dargarth's fighting rules, with the notable exception of the armor section.

Currently (Nov '12) most of the weapon rules (dimensions, hit check, etc) remain the same in both Dargarth and Belegarth, though Dargarth does not currently have weapon min/max weight requirements.

Belegarth came into existence around the year 2,000, when it split off from Dagorhir following a lot of drama and miscommunication resulting from an internal change in the latter's organization (Dagorhir started requiring groups to sign legally binding contracts with the organization, which includes a non-compete clause). Most of the western realms chose to break off and form their own organization.

Since then Belegarth has grown into a national organization (actually international, with realms in Canada and a small handful in places such as Mexico and Europe).

Since many of the weapon and fighting rules remain the same between Dargarth and Belegarth, it allows for easy cross-gaming between the two.