The War of the Rift

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On the first night, Kendrick brought all the so-far gathered heroes and told them of "the rift" and of the ancient order of magi who had once studied them. After the first party returned with only curses and more questions, Morigan, Thorne, Artemisa, and Zi were able to find and recover the remaining pieces of lore (though Thorne was cursed in the process).

That night, the group had to fend off thieving shadows that were trying to steal stockpiled potions.

The second day began with brave Thorne and mighty Gurp Gorp's quest to deliver powerful relics to the rift. They pushed through waves of demons that grew ever more powerful, bringing relic after relic safely through with them. The massively outnumbered duo ran out of time on the final delivery, a chest of potions.

Next a large group of heroes of Legion, Erzoth, and other realms fought to defend the rift from waves of lesser demons. Amid these waves of lesser spawn, mighty greater demons periodically stormed the twin castles built astride the rift... a juggernaut, a harpy queen, and one other. The assembled heroes held the twin castles for almost the entire time, and repelled the demons with such vigor that they were able to recover the lost chest of potions abandoned on the supply run.

Morigan and Scritta undertook the quest of the Magi. These arcane rituals were designed to weaken the greatest of the demons that led the invasion. The two heroes accomplished two rituals swiftly, incinerating a massive regenerating slime beast and running gauntlets of vile-spewing sandworms, then completing arcane rituals while under constant assault. Sadly, out of spell points the pair were unable to complete the remaining two rituals and soon joined the assaults on the demon lords themselves.

Just when the heroes thought they'd have a chance to catch their breath, the rift tore open and the great leaders of the demonic host poured forth.

Morigan, Oblitus, and Gurp Gorp battled ??, the demon of rage, a monstrous beast that took unending punishment while spewing great gouts of flame to consume his foes. The battle seemed to go on for an eternity, but the beast eventually collapsed in a pool of its own blood and rent flesh.

Zi, Thorne, and Mock faced the many maws of ?? the bottomless, placating each poisonous mouth with its preferred treat. Satiated, the beast retreated back into the rift.

Alicaryn, Angus, and Havloch (and briefly Hangman) confronted the unblinking eyes of Envee the all-seeing. Angus and Havloch bravely pushed back ceaseless waves of deranged cultists gated in by the eyes, fighting hard to defend their lone archer. Alicaryn launched arrow after arrow from the edge of the void into the abyssal eyes, and, one by one, the eyes fell from the sky. When victory was imminent--the final arrow was drawn, the final eye hovered twice-pierced--only then did the demon complete its spell. The beam of vile energy it unleashed mortally wounded all present. The demon escaped into the world of Dargarth. His most vile (and blessed) presence escaped into the lands of ??. Cultist's note: This nation is truly blessed.

Sir Byron, Scritta and Hangman fought ?? the ??, a creature massively empowered by magical items. The demon was already weakened by the previously successful quest for the of its potent defenses was shattered. The three assembled heroes fought and dodged the demon while smashing its treasures. As item after item was crushed asunder, the demon weakened, and was eventually slain.

The heroes celebrated their victories and memorialized their fallen with gladiator battles. Silliness ensued.