Events of the year 3 DY

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Placeholder name; until I think of a better one.

This page is dedicated to the cool, small events that happen during Dargarth, especially land actions. (Think of it as a historical chronicle-diary of the happenings of Dargarth.)

The Day of Slavers (2/24)

On the 24th day of the second month, several bands of slavers were discovered in the unexplored lands of Dargarth. Both Legion and Sanctuary encountered them while surveying new lands. Sanctuary, contrary to its normal policy of negotiation, flew upon them with a murderous rage, slaughtering them out of hand.

Legion, aided by Marek the Rover (a cleric under the banner of the Explorers Guild), having little love for those that enslave others, also descended upon the band they encountered, but with a somewhat surreal tone of revelry and merriment to their actions. In a turn of fate, as the slavers were run to ground, one was mortally injured while another was locked in place by a spell. They were in turn bound and, after ensuring they would not bleed to death, were themselves made captive. Nothing is known of the fate of these prisoners, except that one was gifted to the Dwarven nation, and was taken into the underdark.

Negotiations at Albion (3/10)

On the 10th day of the third month, some minor events in the history of Dargarth occurred (fill in after the land map goes up: Damien getting his own hex, etc).

Of some note is the negotiations that occurred at the ruins of the former Albion capital. The mountainous territory formerly claimed by Albion has slowly been taken by the Explorers over the years, following the collapse of Albion. The remains of the capital itself has been faithfully guarded and ruled over by a quintet of templars, retainers of their ruler Garath. The Explorers on this day, accompanied by representatives of Legion and Alliance, sent a scouting expedition to parley with the templars. (Finish filling in later; it's late and I'm tired.)

War Comes to the Shores of Dargarth (3/24)

The drums of war sound as the armies of Dargarth are rallied within their homelands. Much hearsay and rumor spread: a blade was poisoned during the Noble's tourney, and was used to strike down Baron Bran of Moot. That Sir Froste of Mardur was seized by the Academy Arcana Bellum to stand charges for crimes; reports conflict whether it was for poisoning, or to account for crimes committed by his countrymen. The forces of Mardur attacked the arraignment, and a general melee ensued, where traditional alliances were thrown to the wind in the chaos. In the end rumors say that the Academy will march upon the Mardur plains, though no formal or public declaration has been made. If it comes to be, it can only be speculated what their goal might be; will it to find and burn the College to the ground, or will they strike at the border fortifications?

While the tourneys were interrupted sporadically by the above events, eventually they were completed. Winner are reported as follows: Aleksii of Legion is the melee champion, while Vodin is the archery champion.

In more mundane events of the half month: Legion continues its exploration, incorporating more of their traditional homeland formally under their control. Both Mardur and the Explorers built towns, while Sanctuary continues to secure their island, and the Briarwood Clan claims more swamplands in the far east.