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Witchbane Cragon
In-Character Information
Country Explorers Guild
Other Name(s) Indie
Class Ranger
Gender Male
Alignment Neutral Good
Race Human
Out-of-Character Information
Date Joined 1 DY (April 22nd, 2012)
Affiliated with Disciples of Malum

{{#if:Human|}} {{#if:Ranger|}} {{#if:Explorers Guild|}}

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Witchbane Cragon is a member of the Explorers Guild and a founding member of The Disciples of Malum. He is of Gulzarian descent and foreign to the realm of Dargarth.

Dargarth History

1 DY

Cragon arrived in Dargarth in the spring of 1 DY, as a consequence of his departure from his homeland, The Gulzarian Wastes, spending tumultuous months at sea. His voyage ended in the Bay of Langer in the midst of the Day of Two Sieges. Starved and confused, the nomad listlessly stumbled across the beach towards the rallying blasts of warhorns and the clanging of battle. By chance, he and shipmate Nox were hastily hired by the Knights of Solaris, thrust Solaris arms and holed up in the castle. Unsure of the intent nor merits of the foreign groups at war, the two did all they could to survive the onslaught of violent attackers. The efforts proved potent, and the attacking forces were driven off, leaving Cragon and Nox still under contract to the Knights. Having no property, coin, nor arms, the company embarked on a quest to destroy the Mask of Corruption in hopes of learning about this strange new land and its inhabitants as well as any sort of reward. None was to be paid to the recruits, and the Knights of Solaris's methods and ideals did not sit well with the two. Cragon and Nox moved onward to join more like-minded, strong-willed, and grounded adventurers.

Cragon began to do mercenary work for the Explorers Guild, adding what meager manpower and arms the nomad could to the Guild's adventuring parties. Growing steadily in knowledge and skill in battle with the Guild, Cragon and Nox were eventually inducted as official members of the Explorers Guild.

In the late summer, Cragon accompanied the realm's warband, answering the trumpets of The Chaos Wars. The party's numbers included:: Baron Bran, Rasheab, Kestrel, Puck, Mowgli, and fellow guildmates Nox, Kendric and Ulfgore. The troupe returned to the realm battle-hardened by the wars and a newfound alliance had been forged between the Explorers and Legion. Upon their return, Cragon and Nox formed The Disciples of Malum to add their services to Arch Magus Kendric's efforts to root out despicable dark witches and warlocks in the realm.

2 DY

Follower of the god Gulzar.


Javelin Toss Gold Medal winner of the 2 DY Dargarth Summer Games.