Unique Encounters

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A listing of rare or unique encounters.

{{#if:"Angry Peasants"|Default "Angry Peasants"}}
Creature Statistics
Danger Rating >2}}
Type Human}}
Size Humanoid}}
Terrain Plains}}



"You must be wary of the little people. Though easily scattered, they sometimes return having multiplied in number." Somewhat akin to certain other creatures, peasants seem to draw bravery from the numbers around them. If anger is allowed to simmer over a long period of time, sometimes it comes to a boil and a horde of peasants will come screaming out of the fields.


Peasant hordes can be terrifying to behold. Considered to be completely irrational, having been abused and then allowed to gather in large numbers, the unwashed masses have been known to attack even large groups of well armed warriors. Even seasoned fighters need to not take them to lightly, for a wave of unarmored bodies can still bear down "their betters" when outnumbered. Caution is advised if such a gather is accidentally allowed to form.


Probably by sheer probability peasant hordes are generally better armed then smaller groups of peasants (by variety if not by quantity). While the majority of the rabble will probably be armed with a variety of clubs, the normal variety of threshing implements/flails, axes, spears, and polearms will also always be in attendance. In addition there will likely be a small number of shields (perhaps from former times as conscripts) and bows & arrows (likely from poachers).

While the mob will likely work itself into a lather and rush across the battlefield, the variety of equipment can sometimes result in haphazard formations, and the sheer numbers can bog down better equiped warriors while the woodsmen and poachers amongst their numbers do the real damage.

{{#if:"Mutant" Troll|Default "Mutant" Troll}}
Creature Statistics
Danger Rating }}
Type Giant}}
Size Giant}}
Terrain Forest}}



A giant troll is the size of two average trolls. Standing several feet taller, it has vast bulk, though seemingly skinnier by comparison.


Unknown if intelligent by conventional definition, though highly aggressive and with a savage cunning, giant trolls are not put off by large parties, and will attack regardless of group size.


Utilizing a weapon of giant dimensions, the giant troll will quickly circle groups, smashing into and through shields and armor. Though polearms and arrows have their standard effectiveness, the greater bulk of the creature seems able to absorb more punishment. In addition it seems to heal at an increased (sometimes startling) rate. It is unknown if they have a weakness to fire, or how it correlates to common trolls.