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Coming back to my assumption that Kuwait is at the top of the ladder I will corroborate this statement by giving some very concrete examples. Firstly it is not fair and prudent, or more correctly, criminal on the part of those who conducted such global poll to mix both cigarette manufacturing and non-cigarette manufacturing countries into one group. To the best of my knowledge and belief, unless it is top confidential, there is no cigarette making industry and or factory in Kuwait, which to me, is a blessing in disguise for Kuwait otherwise for quite many reasons number of smokers would have been higher than what they are now. The majority, if not all, working at the factory must have been smoking and in turn increasing the number of smokers in the country. China and Russia, for example, have long established cigarette manufacturing industries producing vast variety of cigarettes but both of them are amongst 91 countries taken into account in the poll along with non manufacturing Kuwait and, hence, under the given circumstances Kuwait is under rated repeat under rated which is not fair in any case particularly when international ranking is in question. You can yourself realize that at this point of time when Kuwait is 2nd despite competing with cigarette manufacturers like China and Russia, how can anyone despite frantic efforts, could deny Kuwait 1st place had it been competing with none but only non-cigarette manufacturing countries. [url=]Coach Factory Outlet[/url] Students at the University of Cape Town were appalled to find posters swastikas and images of Adolf Hitler plastered around their campus last week, as part of a campaign to remove a statue of British businessman and colonialist Cecil John Rhodes.The posters, which the local branch of the South African Union of Jewish Students said appeared without any explanation or contextualization on Wednesday, were quickly torn down by students.The Jewish group blamed an anti-apartheid campus movement called Black Monday for the signs.Black Monday has been involved in protests against the presence of a statue of Rhodes on campus and in a meeting between SAUJS and those responsible for the posters, the activists explained that they wanted to show that Rhodes was just as bad as Hitler. They explained that it was impossible for white students to understand the struggle of the black child, and the outrage that black students feel upon seeing the statue daily, SAUJS said in a statement. Thus, the swastikas were supposed to serve the purpose of putting their struggle against the statue into a form that Jews could understand. The students were unapologetic for the use of the images, and said they had similar poster campaigns planned for the remainder of this week. While the Jewish students agreed that Rhodes was responsible for crimes against humanity, and the systematic oppression of black people, they said that he could not, in any way, shape or form, be considered as equal to the infamous Nazi leader. Rhodes never attempted the complete extermination of a group of people. While clearly guilty of the grave exploitation and disregard for the lives of blacks, Rhodes never attempted genocide against them, the group said. When a swastika appears in a public place (especially without any context, as occurred today) this is often construed as an imminent threat of violence against Jews. Recent anti-Semitic attacks in Europe and the United States have used the symbol as a tool of intimidation. Jewish students, being aware of this, inevitably feel unsafe upon seeing the symbol.No attempt has been made by the protesters to understand this fear, or to understand the visceral emotional reaction experienced by Jews upon seeing symbols of Nazism. Instead, they seem intent on using these emotions as an example with which to prove a political point. In an email to The Jerusalem Post, Jonathan Levi, the local SAUJS chairman, said that he hopes that harsh action will be taken and we also hope that there will be charges laid against the perpetrators. The South African Jewish Board of Deputies likewise condemned the swastikas, saying that South Africans in particular should be very sensitive to the power of racist symbolism and language, used by the apartheid regime over decades to oppress millions of South Africans.To utilize the symbols of the Nazi regime is deeply offensive to the millions of people, gypsies, homosexuals, Jews, blacks and others who were systematically and brutally murdered under the banner of those symbols. The SAJBD also sent a letter of protest this week to Johannesburg Mayor Mpho Parks Tau, taking umbrage at his decision to work with the BDS-South Africa movement, which the Jewish group accused of creating a climate of hate against Johannesburg and South African Jewry. Former Canadian justice minister Irwin Cotler, who was in South Africa for Israel Apartheid Week, said that invoking apartheid to validate efforts against Israel shames the real struggle against real apartheid. n [url=][/url] SQUANDER BILLIONS OF OUR MONEY FOR NON-ESSENTIALS (Which are NEITHER use NOR ORNAMENT). [url=]Replica Rolex Watches[/url] In Edinburgh she鈥檇 talked of fashion modelling 鈥?鈥渟wimming opened lots of doors but they were peripheral鈥?鈥?but failed to make a final. The man, John Mekeel Jr., had originally been charged with assault and possession of a weapon after a June 30 arrest where police found his father, John Mekeel Sr., 69, also of Essex Fells, on the kitchen floor, according to an Essex County Prosecutor's Office news release. The release said the charges were upgraded today to murder after Mekeel's father succumbed to his injuries Sunday. 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