Cult of Hades

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The Cult of Hades is a loose religion characterized by the worship of the deity of death, generally called Hades. With devotees scattered across Dargarth (and assumedly the rest of world), it is a fast-growing religion, with many powerful clerics appearing to spring from the air.


The god of death, rebirth, and ruler of the underworld, Hades, is the focus of this cult. Few have truly met Hades, but many have encountered an avatar of the deity in their adventures. Hades rules over Erebus, the underworld, where souls of the dead go after departing their bodies. In some cases of extreme drama or glory, the underlord has been known to send heroes back to life repeatedly over the course of days. It is not known if it does this from generosity, or an ulterior motive.


The chosen few who were both unlucky enough to die, and lucky enough to meet Hades, are gifted with wondrous powers over life and death, and commanded to create and send powerful souls to Erebus. These few are the spearhead of the Cult of Hades, and most worshipers answer to a cleric.
