Claw of Misery

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An adventure which occurred early in 2 DY. Its location was The Wooded Isle far to the north (hex 1901). A terrible malady had befallen the inhabitants of the island, which struck them with boils, lesions, hacking cough, and terrible fevers, to name just a few of the symptoms.

During this period it was discovered a wizard had made the isle his home; he was referred to as the "Lord of Misery" by the local population, and he spent little effort challenging that title. Opposing the Lord of Misery was the "Brothers of the Wooded Isle," a group of peasants still healthy enough to take up arms in defense of their homes.

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The wizard was eventually defeated during a chaotic melee after the Brothers were struck down, but they were avenged by Mowgli who, aided by his compatriots, was able to in the confusion slip past the countries guarding the wizard and strike a telling blow to the formerly impervious wizard. They were awarded the Box of Enchanting for their deed; this was the first known action of Legion, which publicly announced their existence shortly thereafter.

TBC by the event planner. <placeholder>
OoC Date?


Lord of Misery: Lucian

Brothers of the Wooded Isle: Rasheab, Kestrel, Jerek, Tyrent

? Anyone else?

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