Nobility in Dargarth

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Nobles are esteemed persons of the realm. They commonly hold land and great wealth. While not strictly nobility, Knighthood is a similar position.

In Game

Nobles have been granted a title on behalf of the Emperor of Dargarth, and often have one or more parcels of land across the realm. They can be leading figures in countries, although are not necessarily a country's leader. Some countries count multiple nobles among their citizens. Occasionally the nobles of the realm meet in a Noble Council that discusses important matters for all of Dargarth.

Out of Game

Nobles are raised by the Noble Council after submitting a petition to the body. Nobles are meant to be responsible for running aspects of the game, such as planning the schedule. Petitioning the Noble Council is an indication that a player is interested in handling "behind the scenes" responsibility for Dargarth. Players may not petition for the next rank until a year after their previous petition.

Nobles are expected to behave honorably towards the game at all times, and should contribute in a positive manner. Nobles should be addressed as their title dictates.

Archdukes are not created by the Noble Council. All former High Kings and High Queens become Archdukes/Archduchesses.

The High King is not created by the Noble Council. The process of selecting a High King is still undetermined.

Noble Ranks

There is a commonly recognized structure of noble precedence: