The Fortune's Breath

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A large cruising yacht that was attacked by "The Wanting One" during the events of early DY 8.

The Cruise Ship Catastrophe

<Needs to be fleshed out but writing down what I can remember before it goes>

A strange storm appeared and began to move against the wind toward the fortune's breath.

A gaunt creature of wind and thunder appeared before the storm and proclaimed that "the one with 10 thousand teeth and 10 million eyes will drain your seas and eat your world's heart." This creature then disintegrated the first mate of the ship and a visiting noble heiress.

As the crew prepared the ship the heroes split into groups for watch.

The first watch was slammed by massive tentacle monsters and vicious Saughagin who broke and pillaged most of the deck. In the fighting two of the remaining officers, the helmsman and the captain were slain and the Bracer of Mending was lost. The ship was attacked by the head and claws of a massive creature "Kaiju" which broke into the hull and killed several heros.

During the second watch the enchanted gem within the figurehead of fortune was stolen. The ship was attacked by a giant serpent.

Third watch The storm herald returned and was defeated, but flew off into the storm.

Having survived the eye of the storm, the survivors including Charlie O'Holihan departed across the storm's leeward edge and soon came to rest on land.