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Bit of a placeholder entry; to give a place to brainstorm, and until (if) better names are thought of.

The South-West of Dargarth is the most populated area on the continent, boasting several coastal cities within close proximity. One end of the great trade road grounds out in the region; combined with easy sea access to the cities, this makes the region popular with traders.

On the mainland stands the capital of the Order of Mardur; seasons past it outgrew its original city walls and merged with a nearby township which had grown up in its shadow. While technically two distinct cities, the sister city is notable as one of the few urban centers in Dargarth to not be protected by fortress walls. The nearby Isle of Narscin itself boasts two sizable cities upon its shores: the former capital of the region, long under Explorer protection, as well as a younger city grown up around a profitable mining operation.

Outside of the cities the south-west is a windswept coastal region devoid of the extensive forests which can be found further north. Its extensive coastline includes many inlets and bays, as well as two islands with notable mineral resources.

Nations: Explorers Guild, Order of Mardur, Mercenaries of Bitter Peak

Just north along the great trade road can be found the Central region of Dargarth. Starting from the narrowest point of the continent the region extends south-eastward in a great arc between the mountains to the north and the desert to the south. While the south-west might boast the largest trade centers, the coin they trade in probably originated in this region, as the region holds massive mineral reserves. Somewhat ironically there are almost no permanent settlements in the region, but it is home to the greatest density of fortresses upon the face of Dargarth, many of which are holdovers from the Old Kingdom.

The region was originally mostly unsettled, with Mardurian assets to the west and the Order of the Abbot in the mountains to the north-east, before Legion settled an outpost along the trade road. This coincided with the public announcement of the merger between Mardur and the Order, after which the combined nation expanded their borders out of the mountains, as Legion explored in the south.

Nations: Order of Mardur, Legion

Continuing along the trade road, one comes to the Eastern Mountains of Dargarth. Once home to the elusive and monastic Order of the Abbot, who lived in reclusivety, they spent much of their timing fortifying the mountain passes. Their isolated changed somewhat when they agreed to connect their capital with the cities of the south.

Eventually the trade road was expanded to the East and was intended to connect to the eastern capitals. However construction stalled when the road hit the Great Southern Desert. The most notable feature of the district, the desert winds through much of region, leaving a band of fertile plains and forests to its south and east, but effectively splitting the area in two.

The region can easily be split into north and south, as each is the holdings of a different nation.

The south-east has long been settled, first as the holdings of the Imperial Guard following the collapse of the Old Kingdom, and later by Alliance as they formed, following the collapse of the Guard.

The north-east, however, has long been thought of as a unknown wilderness. That has changed in recent times as, since its inception, Legion has made great strides in the exploration of the area. In hindsight it is unknown whether the region has long been settled by reclusive folk, or whether Legion purposely chose the area as a base for their new nation.

Nations: Alliance, Legion

Still to do:

The Northwest
The Northern Islands
The Eastern Islands

This article is incomplete. It needs to be expanded or improved. Please help out by adding an image, writing a section, or just generally improving this article.