Old Kingdom

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The Old Kingdom is the backstory of Dargarth/First Kingdom. Little is known of the history; there was an emperor/high king (presumably), and ruins, mines, and fortresses, among other landmarks were left from the old civilization(s), but they are only being slowly discovered as the unexplored territories are gradually surveyed. It's presumed that the Old Kingdom was also composed of many nations (presumably overseen/ruled over by a high king or emperor), but it is all lost in the fogs of time.

The Explorers Guild, the first "new nation" entered a seemingly empty land, though the backstories of nations might change that. Currently there are nations composed of groups/peoples which pre-date the "modern era" (of the First Kingdom), but they were not nations/kingdoms in the classical sense.*

  • (A common explanation for new nations is that they were secluded and/or composed of bands/small holdings/neighboring peoples, who eventually form a coherent nation, to interact with the other "large" nations on an equal footing.)
  • Ex (IC): Legion is formed from independent warbands and semi-nomadic tribes, primarily from the south-east desert, but also from across Dargarth.
  • Ex (IC): RagnFjord is an ancient country which predates the First Kingdom, but which has often been isolationist, especially for the last generation or two.