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{{#if:Colossus|Default Colossus}}
Creature Statistics
Danger Rating 11}}
Type Epic}}
Size Giant}}
Terrain Any}}

{{#if:Any|}}The Colossus has 10 HP, is damaged only by Holy, Silver, or Magic sources, is immune to yellow weapons, deals red damage to armour, and deals instant death with each damage causing hit.


The Colossus is a towering figure, both terrifying and awe inspiring to those who glimpse it. Standing multiple stories high, the Colossus is essentially a living, moving statue of enormous proportions. It is difficult to examine the legendary figure in detail, but it is most likely constructed of iron or bronze. It is believed only one Colossus is left in the world. Though perhaps nothing more than pure speculation, the ability to construct more may lie hidden somewhere in a long forgotten arcane library. The Colossus seems to wander the realm, its direction seemingly chosen at random.


The Colossus is aware of its surroundings, but often disregards "lesser" creatures such as Humans or Orcs. It does not frequently deviate from its path, and will crash through buildings without concern. The Colossus ignores most attempts to interact with it, but will occasionally give attention to certain individuals. It's logic or reasoning is completely unknown, and it does not communicate. When presented by a credible threat, such as a powerful caster or large army, the colossus will defend itself.


Battling the Colossus is generally considered a sign of madness, as it is impervious to almost all weapons. Only the most exceptional weapons, blessed by the Gods or enchanted by magic, may damage the colossus. Slivered weapons also seem to affect the construct, though the reasoning is unknown. Its blows can crush any normal creature, even those in the finest armors. If one must battle the Colossus, it is advised to bring the most powerful spellcasters available. In general, it is best to stay out of the Colossus’s path.