The Rift

From Dargarth
Revision as of 14:14, 16 June 2014 by (talk) (Added the Rift. It's lore stuff.)
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A Rip Between Worlds The Rift is mysterious in origin, but very clear in its function. The Rift is a passage, no larger than a tall humanoid, that is invisible to the realm unless a being is near enough for the Rift to reveal itself and its portal. The Rift moves constantly throughout Dargarth on a set path, passing through much of the lands over the course of two seasons before repeating its cycle again. While the Rift moves, it opens a passage into other realms and brings passers by into Dargarth. The realms that are opened to Dargarth change over time and location of the Rift during its cycle as it travels throughout the realm. There have been accounts of individuals who have been taken by the Rift into a foreign world, only to find their way back to Dargarth by finding the Rift's pathways in that foreign realm and slipping back home. It is hypothesized that the Rift's patterns exist in other realms and has its own different cycles in different lands and worlds.

Appearance The Rift is silent and unless a being is near it, invisible. When someone is near, it glows with different lights, possibly related to the different realms it currently holds a pathway to. The Rift is not very large, but it has been known to spit out entire sea ships and a large dragon unlike those known to Dargarth.