Deri Grenoch

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Sir Deri Grenoch, Knight of Hellatite
In-Character Information
Country None
Other Name(s) Knight of Hellatite
Class Battle Mage
Gender Male
Alignment True Neutral
Race Human
Out-of-Character Information
Date Joined
Affiliated with Academy Arcana Bellum

{{#if:Human|}} {{#if:Battle Mage|}} {{#if:None|}}

Sir Deri Grenoch, Knight of Hellatite is a very good looking, very chill dude. Sir Deri has returned ascendant to Dargarth (after imploding into the Plane of Hellatite after The Arcane Disquieting), no longer thought of as the meek, wimpish scribe to Sir Kendric Flamehands. The Knight of Hellatite is bad-ass Battle-Mage on a quest to discover the true nature of the Dargarthian realm. His philosophy is at odds with Krishna Klenko's.


Sir Deri Grenoch, Knight of Hellatite has achieved altitudes of thought not seen before in Dargarth due to his ascension. He can understand all languages magical or otherwise, convince any character to speak the truth, and even crinkle those but the most resilient and sentient minds. He wields the fabled mace Void Malignant and a tower shield, but has also been reported summoning Magical Great Weapons in combat. The Knight of Hellatite can cast at will Word of Holding due to his omnipotent understanding of the limits of space and time.