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Conrich "Con" Dolsworth
In-Character Information
Country Unaligned
Other Name(s) (OOC: Uulmshar)
Class Rogue
Gender Male
Alignment CG
Race Half-Elf
Out-of-Character Information
Date Joined 3 DY
Affiliated with

{{#if:Half-Elf|}} {{#if:Rogue|}} {{#if:Unaligned|}}

Conrich is probably the worst bard to travel the First Kingdom of Dargarth, but he still somehow makes loads of money doing it.
He is an expert knife-fighter, notorious womanizer (though he likes men, too), and has a thick northern accent (probably fake).


Born a bastard of an elf and a noble man, Conrich was afforded the finest education, but he rebelled at every opportunity, despising a structured upbringing, and embraced the freedom of the arts. At twenty-five, after an argument with his father, he left Bitter Peak to find his mother's people, the elves. He didn't need to travel far until he was absorbed into a wood-elf village in the southern forest, where he started a troupe of minstrels, to travel the lands, earning money for the small community.
Upon returning, years later, the troupe finds the town in ashes, a large part of the forest destroyed, and the people nowhere to be seen. It became clear that the mostly reclusive mercenaries from the mountain had taken over, and decided the elves were a threat to be removed. His companions fled, but Conrich went to beg for mercy, and it was granted, as his half-brother was on the Bitter Peak council. He could not keep him from being tossed into the dungeon, however.
For a year and a half, Conrich had only his lute to keep him company, until he was freed by the Lord of Blood, Uulmshar. Uulmshar needed a body-double to lead military actions in his stead, and Conrich's acting skills fit this role perfectly. Also, they looked alike. Obviously, he agreed, and was given a wardrobe identical to Uulmshar's.
He wandered the lands of the First Kingdom, searching for riches in the guise of spreading music and joy, when he wasn't pretending to be a death cleric, but that came to an end soon enough. He received a letter from Uulmshar, informing him that his services as stand-in general would no longer be needed, as Uulmshar had been unseated by Savalis.
Free again from all obligations, he returned to Bitter Peak to learn that his father's family had been ousted as well. Seeing no point to remain in a poor and humorless place any longer, he left for greener, warmer lands, with prettier women and more gold.