Father John

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{{#if:Father John|Father John}}
In-Character Information
Country N/A}}
Other Name(s) }}
Class Village Priest}}
Gender Male}}
Alignment Good}}
Race Human}}
Religion True Abbotist}}

Father John is the old village priest of a small hamlet on the southern coast of the continent, between the territories of the Explorer's Guild and the Order of Mardur (later on the southern border of Dominion).

Proved sanctuary to adventurers while they tried to (re)solve the crisis plaguing the village he was priest of. His church was finally burned to the ground by the undead entities.

Known for (among other things):

  • being caught drinking holy water. When questioned he replied that it's good for his liver. (Being the priest of a dying hamlet is apparently very stressful.)
  • arm wrestling the avatar of Hades for the souls of the dead ("I reject you Hades! Give back his soooul!" "I challenge you! bicep flex")