Lords of Bitter Peak

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The Lords of Bitter Peak adventure was the day that all of the First Kingdom was drawn to the highest mountain of the land, to rescue several prominent members of each country, and helped the Mercenaries of Bitter Peak form.


As the Realms of Dargarth grew in size and power, the reclusive Lords of Bitter Peak looked to these rising powers with some fear. Their positions of power, long thought unassailable, were in danger from these upstart nations. The Twisting Lord, unbeknownst to his fellows, kidnapped several important people from the various nations, hoping to hold them for ransom.


Several heroes of Dargarth were kidnapped by the servants of the lords of Bitter peak, provoking their allies to come to the mountain to rescue them.
Abductions Throughout Dargarth


The ransoming did not go entirely as planned, as the hostages were quickly rescued. Disguising himself as a wise man, the Twisting Lord convinced the adventurers that the other lords were responsible for the kidnappings. One by one, the other lords were outsmarted or slain. The Lord of Doors' tower was infiltrated, and the wizard slain. The Lord of Thorns was bested in a game of wits and decided to flee the land, lest she be slain, too. The Lord of Steel saw these victories and challenged the adventurers to fight him, and was quickly dispatched. With the others out of the way, the Twisting Lord holed himself and his mercenaries in the Lord of Doors' old tower and thanked the heroes sardonically. Some tried to attack, but they were unable to break in and decided to go home.


The Lords of the Bitter Peak was a day-long adventure, run by Kendric Flamehands, that took place on 8/28/11.