Category:7 DY

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The year started off with a Noble's Tourney, where Dameaion was promoted to duke, and Raven and Uulmshar were knighted.

Shortly afterwards, the nation of RagnFjord was dissolved over internal disharmony and a lack of interest in the world outside their borders.

Upon their previous lands, the The Highlanders Clan was founded, claiming much of the island and several mines. No ice giants have been sighted.

The War of the Rift occurred in spring.


This year, the following personages have appeared on the world stage. Whether they will remain and make a lasting impact is to be seen.

  • Zi - appeared at the War of the Rift. A sellsword, "on vacation," from the far away land of Tikana.
  • Morigan - a mageling of the nation of Mardur. A part of their army, and fledgling researcher of the arcane.


Pages in category "7 DY"

The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.